Thursday, 3 June 2021

What Is A Security Risk Assessment?

 A security risk assessment should be part of your standard cybersecurity practice. An assessment will detect all of the potential risks that threaten your business, outline how to protect your company, and the implementation to keep your business secure.

A security risk assessment will measure how secure your company currently is, look for compliances, and standard industry frameworks.

Read More; network security assessment

What Is The Purpose of A Security Assessment 

The reason for a network security assessment is to highlight:

Internal and external vulnerabilities

Understand the implications and the potential harm that can happen

Determine the true risk

Highlight the threats to your business, including individuals, assets, operations

What Are The Different Security Assessment Types?

There are a number of different security assessments that you are likely to come across. 

Risk Assessment: A risk assessment will highlight potential risks and what you could lose. 

Pen Testing: A pen test, penetration testing, is a simulation of how an attacker would approach your current security. It will test your security measures. 

Compliance Assessment: This will measure how compliant you are with things like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI. 

Vulnerability Assessment: A vulnerability assessment will identify all of your vulnerabilities and the solutions possible. 

What Are The Benefits of a Security Risk Assessment?

You should want to protect your internet-connected systems and the data that your company holds. This is what cybersecurity is all about – protection. A risk assessment will highlight areas that you are vulnerable and where you can have a higher level of protection. The benefits of a security risk assessment mean that you will not have to worry about your company is at risk. 


A risk assessment will give you exact information about the threats and risks for your company. Not only from external sources but internal too. Giving you the data to make the right decisions going forward. Understanding any issues with your security policies and the ability to increase your security and lower your vulnerabilities. 


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